Sunday, May 28, 2006

Arriving Summit

So, now that I'm a blogging fool, I guess I'll add some stuff about the camp up here at Summit. I think it'll also make the page look nicer if I use smaller photos, but larger versions (I think) are still just a click away.

Some photos of the journey from Kangerlussuaq to Summit camp is, I guess, in order. First, (another!) photo of the plane, this time in Kanger... It's actually when we arrived, but I guess you knew I was tricky...

This is a photo as we're flying over the icesheet edge toward Summit Camp. How I miss different colors already (and it's only been a week)! White is cool and all, but...

This is a photo taken just a minute or two later from the opposite side of the plane, showing meltponds that exist near the icesheet edge. There are some scientists who have been commenting on the importance of meltponds like these in the observed acceleration of ice transport into the ocean from the icesheet. I only know just a bit more about this, but ask if you're curious.

This is another picture of the icesheet edge showing some of the meltponds (and the propeller! ooh, the excitement!).

Here's a photo of our flightplan into Summit. If you zoom in on the picture, you can see the special arrangement the Air National Guard has made in terms of landing to prevent (as much as possible) exhaust contaminating the air monitoring that occurs at Summit camp.

This is a photo of the co-pilot as we prepare to descend into Summit camp. How come they get all this fancy headgear and I don't?

Our first siting of Summit camp! The small dots at the "bottom" of camp are the tents I'll become intimately familiar with over the next few weeks (tents?!?).


Look at the camera, you idiot!

Ahh, that's better.

Alright, that's all the time I have for now. I'll try and post some photos from around camp in a day or two. le bye bye!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

U.S. departure / Greenland arrival

So, um, I have NO idea what I'm doing. I'll try to post some photos from the arrival in Greenland--leaving from Scotia, NY on the Air National Guard flight and then arriving in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland (pretty much on the west coast). Summit photos will come later if this works...

The first image is of the ANG plane as we get ready to depart Scotia, NY.

The second is a photo of most of the folks headed from NY to Kangerlussuaq (it's not as crowded as it looks, I promise). I dare you to guess which seat was mine...

The third picture is of the coast in NE Canada somewhere (my best guess is the coast of Newfoundland?), as viewed from the porthole (is that the correct term for a plane?) window.

The fourth is a photo out the porthole as we arrived at the west coast of Greenland.

The last photo is of Kangerlussuaq. Not very photogenic, at least in this view...